Tuesday, May 29, 2012

The pain of change

In most cases I hate change. Change is inevitable but that does not mean that I have to accept it. Why can't people and situations stay the same? They say if you want to accomplish more and to grow you must change. I want to accomplish more I want to grow; however, I rather those things come easy without change.
I stress easily this usually occurs when something is changing. I over eat when stressed which comes from the change. Change is making me fat. Change is stressing me out.
I decided today that I am going to make  a change and that change is me not freaking out when something changes. Lets see how long this will last. As I grow near the age of 30 I have to (at some point) "grow up". As of right now despite having a full-time job and paying bills I continue to be very childlike. This too will have to change.
The time has come to CHANGE.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

The joys of change

Well I am well on my way at my new job. I will be selling cell phones. I am excited and nervous. But I have been praying and I know that God gave me this position for a reason.

Weight loss is at a stand still which is driving me crazy. I have been flirting with 5 pounds going up and down the entire month. It maybe because of the changes in my life as of late but I have not given up yet. I miss soda all the time!! Every time I see a Sonic cup I crave vanilla cream Dr. Pepper's and cherry vanilla root beers. But I will shy away.