Saturday, December 31, 2011


What a crazy year it has been! I finished school worked 2 jobs got a promotion lost some friends gained some friends learned to crochet and changed my look (had contacts wow did those suck and my hair; well it never stays the same lol). This year was calm to say the least in comparison to my past;  not to say it was not good, it was fine just not anything special; but would I do it all over again the same way? No of course not and anyone that says that is lying. Even the smallest detail could bring a better life. Why would you not want to make a bad day better?
I remember my last day at my old job I worked til 3am got up at 7am went to return my uniform then went for training at my new position (had to be there 9 to 5). It was a horrible day and night. I was so sick from running around so much that day; but, I was determined to do it all. Well, at the end of the day I threw up on the side of the road twice. I tell you this because this is a day I would change. Yes, its minimal but if that did not happen at least I would have had one more great day.
This new year I pray for a magnificent 365 days. One that brings happiness and change. I want to use my degree and take more pictures  and I want to go on a trip. There is so much to do and only a little time to do it.
Goodbye 2011 you challenged me and gave me so much  and I won't see you next year but "thanks for the memories even though they weren't so great" -fall out boy "thanks for the memories"

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

rain and lily

Not a huge fan of rain. It smells good and sounds pretty but I really don't like it to touch me. Anyways,  the past two days of rain I have hidden in my house curled up with my pink laptop listening to Lily Allen. I love her, she is a great singer from England. And just in case you were wondering NO she sounds nothing like Adele. I like Adele too but she is all lovey dovey when she sings. Lily is blunt and honest and I think its great she has songs were she is making fun of creepers(knock 'em out) and how society has declined from materialism (fear). Here are a few songs of her's that I enjoy. Check them out and let me know what you think.

Laters   littlest things smile knock em out fear

Thursday, December 8, 2011


I freaking hate being an adult. Why do children want to grow up so fast when all they have to look forward to is debit and responsibility. Maybe its just me but  I do not find it fun to have to plan to pay bills and go to work. Work is not better than school. Yes, you get a paycheck for spending your day there but you are not acquiring knowledge like before; and, you do not get to socialize with all your peers. Instead, many end up doing more work then ever for something they are overqualified for and have to deal with rude customers and people that they cannot roll their eyes at and easily avoid like we did back in school.

There is a chance that I am ranting about this because I am just now starting to pay back my student loans. Now in a perfect world when one gets out of college they are set to start a amazing job that grants them just enough to live comfortably. However, this is not a perfect world. I for one have a degree in business; ( hold your applause j/k) yet I am not in the business field. I am able to make ends met but I want that comfortable aspect of it. How do we get to that comfortable part you may ask... I do not know. But I aim to get there with the Lords help because I know I cannot do it on my own.

Next year is a time for growth and change! and I will be after everything that I deserve and everything that I desire. I will discover my dreams in life and make them a reality. I hope that all my readers do the same and start dreaming BIG .

Monday, December 5, 2011


Well I am not the biggest fan of the holidays but there is one holiday video I would like you all to check out :

This is Deck'd by Dominic Fera. Hope you enjoy and start getting into the Christmas spirit