Friday, July 27, 2012

Starting Over!

Today marks the day that I start my diet over again. Given today is also the day that I had to get my car jumped for the very first time but I digress. That was a mere moment of anger and a lot of money that I had to put up with today. However, that will not stop my JOY. Anywhore(ya i did that on purpose) I am joining the gym today with my friend Maria so that we can get ready for our friends wedding. I gotta look better than the bride(don't worry I already told the bride that this was my intention). So I am cutting my calories and working out 4-5 times a week I cant wait this will be so fun and rewarding. I will put up my weight and measurements once I get to a weight that I'm not too embarrassed to share. Also that means more updates on here!!


Tuesday, May 29, 2012

The pain of change

In most cases I hate change. Change is inevitable but that does not mean that I have to accept it. Why can't people and situations stay the same? They say if you want to accomplish more and to grow you must change. I want to accomplish more I want to grow; however, I rather those things come easy without change.
I stress easily this usually occurs when something is changing. I over eat when stressed which comes from the change. Change is making me fat. Change is stressing me out.
I decided today that I am going to make  a change and that change is me not freaking out when something changes. Lets see how long this will last. As I grow near the age of 30 I have to (at some point) "grow up". As of right now despite having a full-time job and paying bills I continue to be very childlike. This too will have to change.
The time has come to CHANGE.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

The joys of change

Well I am well on my way at my new job. I will be selling cell phones. I am excited and nervous. But I have been praying and I know that God gave me this position for a reason.

Weight loss is at a stand still which is driving me crazy. I have been flirting with 5 pounds going up and down the entire month. It maybe because of the changes in my life as of late but I have not given up yet. I miss soda all the time!! Every time I see a Sonic cup I crave vanilla cream Dr. Pepper's and cherry vanilla root beers. But I will shy away.

Monday, April 2, 2012

april update

Hey Hey Hey!!! Today is going to be a great day! I am finally getting the lawn mower fixed and my lawn mowed.

Weight: I lost a total of 8 pounds last month; 17 pounds left to go and I will have lost 50 pounds for the year!!  Furthermore, a bunch of other wonderful things are happening this year.

Switching jobs: I am finally leaving Wal*Mart after almost 2 years. I left because I believe that its time to move on and achieve something better in my life. I would have liked to promote but that did not seem to be in the cards for me anytime soon so I found another place and will be starting there shortly.

Lets chat about books:  I read Hunger Games and it was amazing! I loved it; then I followed it up by watching the movie with a friend from work and the movie was great too. There is some inner dialoge  that would have been great if it was added into the movie; however,  that would have made the movie three hours long and with those horrible movie theatre seats I don't know if my posture could take much more.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

quick update

Well  March is here and alot has happened but I like to dwell on the negative so that is where I will put my focus. First off I am a klutz and I proved it by spilling tea on my computer again. Is this the second time? No, its the 3rd time. My keys are sticky and its kind of hard to type but at least I did not murder the poor Dell like I did its predecessor.
I am still holding strong on this diet thing. I lost around 20 pounds in January and in February a mere 5 pounds  was lost. However, in the month of March I will step up my game by adding walking a few miles on my days off. I had my first walk on the 5th and the second on the 6th and despite not have moved in many moons I am not terribly sore from it. This may also be because I doubt if I walked over 5 miles on either day.
Kind of depressed lately I wont go into it on here but I know it will get better in time. I need to stay focused and start taking care of me for awhile and stop worrying about others I guess. But its hard not to care; very very hard. Its my fault mostly because I am very judgemental and critical of others. That is a trait that I need to work on.
I hope your year is going well. Despite a few problem areas I am having a good year and looking for better days in the future. I am very much looking forward to seeing if I can make my weight loss goal of 50 pounds gone by the end of July.

Keep me in your prayers and I will keep you in mine.

Friday, February 10, 2012


Hey guys!!! Long time no blog.Just dropping in to give you an update about Lil ol' me. I am doing great on the diet; I have lost 23 pounds as of the first of this month. I was able to accomplish this with no exercise, cutting back on the sweets and no soda; Other than that I eat about the same. Also I have finished the book The Fault in Our Stars by John Green and adored it. He is by far one of the best young adult authors out there. Another awesome thing is Pinterest a new website I was introduced to and fell in love with. It has so much to offer in DIY and cooking as well as quotes and apparel ideas. I suggest you check it out. Lastly, I have started to crochet a blanket, hopefully it will be done by the end of the year but I make no promises.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

birthday time!

Tomorrow is my birthday!! I will be 24 years old. Dang I feel so old. I have lots to accomplish this year and can't wait to get started. First off I would love to get well. I have had this flu thing for nearly the whole month of January. Second, I gotta lose weight and so far I think I have lost something. However, I have been too afraid to read the scale so I will check on that the 1st of February. Also I received my book THE FAULT IN OUR STARS by John Green. I have been waiting for this book for so long and now I barely have time to read it.  Well until next time love peace and cheese :D

Monday, January 16, 2012

day 16

This will be a short blog but at least it will keep you updated on my diet or lack there of. I have yet to drink any soda and have still been a trooper when it comes to portion size. However, I have been sick for over a week now. I have this lovely cold/flu thing that has been sweeping the county. So, I have been eating odd things like for dinner all I had was grapes and water then had a sandwich at 11pm. Ughh oh well I keep telling myself I will eat normal once I get better. I hope that is sooner than later. How are your resolution's? Are you still at it after 15 days? Take care :D

Monday, January 2, 2012

diet day 2

Well I'm kinda on a diet. I say kinda because I am taking it slow this time around in hopes that it will yield more results. Despite the ever so delicious McDonald's breakfast that I was greeted with this morning I held my ground and resisted. Its still in the fridge so pray people pray (hahaha). Anyway let me tell you about my plan! I am giving up soda and only eat fast food once a week. I plan to add more fruits and veggies as well. Also I would like to cut out alot of sweets.
So far I am having horrible with drawls from the lack of caffeine. I feel like a crack fiend because my head is splitting in pain and all I want is just one more caffeine filled liquid taste of a Dr. Pepper. But I will resist it because it would be sad to give up this early in the game. I am still eating alot tho but at least all my calories aren't wasted on drinks.
Do you have a new years resolution?